Spiritual Coach: Joe Bright

Spiritual coaches in alphabetical order:

  1. Joe Bright
  2. Annie Sims
  3. J.R. Westen, D.D.
  4. Nova Wightman

Joe Bright CoachConnect with THO SPIRITUAL COACH Joe Bright

Joe Bright is a psychologist who specializes in holistic approaches to stress, trauma, and Quality of Life. Born in England, he moved to Japan when he was 22, where he met his wife and fellow psychologist, Nana. After Japan’s 2011 tsunami, Nana & Joe taught self-care to over 15,000 people, formed the Japan Preventive Medicine Institute, and developed the Reset® method, which is now taught globally.

Since meeting Neale in 2006, Nana & Joe have studied with him extensively, translated 4 of his books into Japanese, worked as Spiritual Helpers at CwG’s Helping Outreach, and taught CwG workshops to thousands of people. As a CwG Voice, Joe is an active part of the CwG Connect community, where he shares insights every Wednesday.

Joe lives in the mountains of Nagano, where he is an avid skiier, photographer, and gardener. His understanding of CwG, background in psychology, and experience of different cultures give him a firm foundation from which to help you navigate life, overcome challenge, or step-into a grander version of who you wish to be.

‘It is my joy to share simple tools and practices with you that will help you Master your Moments, and live in the way you desire’.

To schedule a Zoom or Skype call with Joe, please contact him at: nanajoe555@gmail.com The suggested payment is $120 per hour. No-one is ever turned away for financial reasons, and you are welcome to pay whatever works for you at this moment in time.

