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Sponsoring Thought

Sponsoring Thought

Thoughts Have Physicality

Thoughts Have Physicality

Thoughts As Energy

Thoughts As Energy

Self Talk

Self Talk


Grief Journey

Grief Journey

The Journey of Grief

When some one dies – even if expected – the effects are far greater than anticipated. Grief can be like a wound, first it’s open, raw and terrible. In time, it heals – from the inside out. Some describe it as a multi-step process::
1. Accepting the reality of the loss;
– Protest, including anger, confusion, numbness, physical symptoms and shock
– Searching, as in ones own mind and body

2. Experiencing the pain of grief:
– Despair: agony, anguish, depression, slowed actions, slowed thinking. Many feelings are normal. This is the low point in the journey of grief. You must allow yourself to experience and express your feelings as difficult as it may be. There is no adaptive way of avoiding it. Recall and relate memories of the deceased, pleasant or unpleasant. The pain will lessen in time (& finally disappear) while the memory of your loved one will remain.

3. Adjusting to the situation in which the deceased is missing.
– Reorganization, including apathy, bursts of energy, fatigue, detachment, indifference, intermittent interest
– Reinvestment or withdrawing emotional energy (from the deceased) and reinvesting it in creating a productive life.It’s a rebuilding your social, emotional and practical needs with new or changed activities, perspectives and relationships. It’s re-entering the stream of life without the deceased loved one.
In this process our energies are restored and we climb out of the pit of despair into sunshine of a new life.
Adapted from Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy by J. William Worden, Ph.D.


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soul-logic questions


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Mechanics of the Mind, System of the Soul w/Chakras

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